NX Compression

3Net Labs patented NX video compressors are fast, easy to use, and allow you to compress video without losing quality. This same video compression technology has been used and licensed by various US Government agencies.

NX compression uses advanced AI. NX was developed over 30 years research and development, licensed to many top US companies. NX compression is available as both a software or hardware solution, the compression technology can function in “lossy” or “lossless” mode, depending upon your storage or streaming needs. Even NX “lossy” compression is fast and can provide superior video quality from other compression formats, at up to a 90% file data size reduction. (These depend upon the desired level of compression).

NX Compression technology works equally well compressing in-place video files and real-time streaming of live video content.

In 2011 our compression was compared by the leading company for video analytics, 3rdi. They compared NX against leading codecs in the marketplace. This was their conclusion after extensive testing, "Either way, the compression being performed on these files is still miles above anything else we have seen with."


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